Tuesday, 20 September 2011

"The Magic of Thinking Big" Giveaway

Some books come into your life that absolutely and utterly destroy every mediocre thought ever established in your mind. They’re rare, but they do appear from time to time in your life. The Magic Of Thinking Big was one of those books that impacted me in a BIG way.
So for that reason I would like to share some of that experience with you by giving away a copy of one of my favorite motivational books – The Magic Of Thinking Big .
Time and again, throughout the years, I have returned to this masterpiece to unlock its secrets. In fact, I have loved this book so much that I’ve worn out my original copy.
So I’d like to offer you a chance to win a brand new copy.

What To Do

To enter this competition all you have to do is choose JUST 1 of the following statements drawn from the pages of this magnificent book and tell me what it means to you personally.

1. Believe you can succeed and you will.
2. You are what you think you are.
3. Action cures fear.
4. Think progress, believe progress, and push progress.
5. Study setbacks to pave your way to success.
6. Be a doer, not a don’t-er.
7. Tune in to Channel P (for Positive), the Good Thoughts Station.
8. Give spiritual strength to people and they will give genuine affection to you.
9. Manage your environment: go first class.
10. Use the big thinker’s vocabulary – use big, bright, cheerful words.
Go on – take a minute to share your wisdom with us and you might just be the one I choose to receive your own personal copy of this amazing book.


  1. I love inspirational books. No matter how much you know better, you still need a refresher course every now and then. I hope I win. I shared it on My Life.'s face book page for you and I will tweet it. Donna

    mylife.onestoryatatime @ yahoo (dot) com

  2. So much good advise there.
    6. Be a doer, not a don’t-er - I think I'm a doer - well I try to be even when it would be easier to be a don't-er.

  3. really needed to read all of those beautiful words today. the timing of this is really something.

  4. 3. Action cures fear - I always try to think about the fact that although it IS scary, I need to do it to be more successful and get what I want. We need to learn that sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zones to grow and succeed.

